5 and a half years ago, my life consisted of sleeping,burritos and dropping entire paychecks on the Victoria's Secret semi annual sale. I was pretty sure I knew what motherhood would be like. I was wrong. I had visions of sanity,a clean home, and cats that weren't locked in the closet after being soaked with a 4 year old boys urine. Yes, I thought motherhood was one beautiful lucid moment to the next

...and then came Sam.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"I want to rip a big fart that is so big it puts a crack in the world" -Sam


  1. Lora
    hope you don't mind Amy gave me your blog address! I blog too...but not as fun as yours. :)
    I'm with Sam-I wanna rip one that big too!!!

  2. Why would I mind? I love it! Enjoy!
